What should I know about Disaster Unemployment Assistance?

Authored By: GeorgiaLegalAid.org
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Disaster Unemployment Assistance in Georgia


What is Disaster Unemployment Assistance?

If your employment has been lost or interrupted because of a major disaster, you may qualify for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA). A major disaster is a natural event, like a:

  • Severe storm,

  • Hurricane,

  • Tornado,

  • Straight-line winds, and 

  • Flooding.


An event qualifies for DUA if there is a Presidential declaration of a disaster.

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Who is eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)?

You are eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance if:

  • You are unemployed as a direct result of the disaster and 

  • You are not eligible or no longer eligible for Georgia’s Unemployment Insurance.


For example, you are eligible if because of the disaster, you:

  • No longer have a job or place to work;

  • Can’t get to your place of work;

  • You can’t work because your place of work is damaged; or

  • You can’t work because you were injured.


Also, people who are not usually eligible for Unemployment Insurance may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, including:

  • Small business owners,
  • Self-employed,

  • People who work on commission, 

  • Farmers,

  • Farmworkers, and 

  • loggers.


You might also qualify if you need to get a job because a worker in your household died in the disaster.

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What are my rights and responsibilities with Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)?

You have a right to DUA benefits if you meet the qualifications. You can get benefits starting the week after the disaster declaration. 


You are responsible for applying for benefits in person.

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How do I file a claim for Disaster Unemployment Assistance?

Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance at any Georgia Department of Labor career center


You will need to bring:

  • A valid government-issued picture ID,

  • Your Social Security number or alien registration number, and

  • If you are self-employed, proof of earnings.

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Last Review and Update: Apr 21, 2022
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