How to use
What is is a joint project of Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. and the Georgia Legal Services Program. Our goal is to provide the public with easy access to basic legal information and legal resources in Georgia.
This website contains information only. If you want to talk to a Legal Aid lawyer, contact Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. or the Georgia Legal Services Program.
How do I use this website?
- Articles. There are over a 150 articles on a variety of legal topics. To find the information you need:
- Search by Topic
- Use the search bar. Enter a keyword or phrase (i.e. "divorce" "how to make a will" "eviction")
- Answer questions about your issue using the Legal Help Finder to find resources and organization referrals
- Videos. Search our video database for short videos on a variety of common legal issues.
- Brochures. Search our brochure database for information by legal topic.
- Legal Guides. We have created the following guides on common legal issues:
We have a database of Georgia organizations offering legal and other help. You can search these organizations in three ways:
- Answer questions about your issue using our Legal Help Finder to find resources and organization referrals
- Search by legal topic/problem
- View the directory A to Z
- Find courts and court-based self-help and legal information centers in Georgia. Georgia does not have uniform court forms, so the best place to find the specific court form you need is on your local court website.
- View our small database of printable court forms and documents
- Find common probate or family law forms
- Use our interactive guides to create several common legal documents