Latin American Association
How to Get Help
Phone Number | (404) 638-1800 |
Information | WE SEE CLIENTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Visit one or call the Atlanta or Lawrenceville locations to schedule a consultation. All new clients are pre-screened to determine eligibility. Proof of income and $50 USD cash required for initial consultation. Legal services only provided in-person. |
Who We Are
The Latin American Association supports latinos through legal representation, adult education, employment assistence.
Who We Serve
Area(s) |
Language(s) Spoken |
Income Guidelines | The Latin American Association provides assistance to Latino and Hispanic families in the Metropolitan Atlanta area. |
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? | YES |
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? | NO |
Type of Help
This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources: |