Atlanta Community Food Bank

General Contact Information

3400 North Desert Drive
Atlanta, GA 30344

How to Get Help

Phone Number (678) 553-5917

Want to know if you could receive food stamps (SNAP) or other government benefits? Email or call (678) 553-5917.

Who We Are

Provide nutritious food for those in need.

Who We Serve

  • Gwinnett County
  • Metro-Atlanta
Additional Service Area Info The Food Bank works with partner agencies and others to coordinate locations and partnerships to distribute fresh produce and other staples to clients who may not know where their next meal is coming from. Our mobile pantry program is an efficient, effective way to provide food to our neighbors in need through direct service. Food is typically distributed outdoors at a church or community center where dozens of volunteers help unload the truck and bag groceries for people in need. We encourage you to call ahead to the nearest mobile pantry to verify the hours of distribution. For further assistance locating a food pantry near you or assistance securing food, healthcare, childcare, or other necessities, text "FIND FOOD" to (888) 976-2232 or use the map on website:
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? NO
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? NO

Type of Help

This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources:
  • Non-Profits and Agencies that Help
Last Review and Update: Mar 07, 2024
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